Page name: Order of Inari [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-09-11 13:31:52
Last author: Wes Foxx
Owner: Wes Foxx
# of watchers: 23
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Welcome to the Temple of Inari, the kitsune warrior, hero and legeand. *bows*

(Wiki pages founded and maintained by [Wes Foxx])

This page is the 88th Safe Zone

-Whats the Order of Inari about?-

I've created this group as another fun place to chat, hang around, roleplay if you want to, show off your art, and in general to just do whatever and enjoy yourself.

Im also trying to use this as a way to bring new people into the world of roleplaying. Every member gets a kitsune form as well as one type of spellwork, their Kinetic Class. I reward those who do their best and suceed by awarding them a higher Member Rank, sort of like getting a medal or ribbon, or on elftown especially, a badge. We also have a badge for your kinetic class as well, which can be found in the Order of Inari Gallery page

You don't have to be a kitsune to join. You don't even have to use the kitsune form you get. Its totally up to you what you want to do with it.

Those who wish to cause trouble or pain, this is NOT the wiki for you. Any member found to be harrassing, harming, or otherwise causing trouble in the order or among its members will be exiled from the order.

~Banished Order Members~


~Roragons United
~Anthro RP
~Moonlight (Our sister page, or basically, Order of Inari part two)~
~Zelda Geeks
~Lost Book of the Bible:The Book of Amish
~Light & Dark

Interrested? Feel free to join. You may leave our order at any time, and will not be stripped of your title, rankings, or Power.
~Order of Inari Members page~

For all members who have a character picture, feel free to post it.
~Order of Inari Fursonas page~

The roleplayers and those wishing to gain rank here should proceed here.
~Order of Inari RP page~

I've moved all the classes and divisions to their own page to cut down on the size.
~Order of Inari Classes and Divisions page~
   Not enough detail for you? See the combo labs!
    ~Kinetic Research Labs~
    ~Advanced Kinetic Labs~

Information on our history, the kinetics R&D lab, and a discussion page
~Order of Inari Archives~

Are you an artist? Submit an entry and your drawing could become the picture used for our founder!
~Inari Contest~

If you have a badge, graphic, doodad or other item for the Order, we're happy to post them and display them here!
~Order of Inari Gallery~

Since this page is constantly being updated, and almost no one is watching most of these pages, heres a link to the story series I'm writing.
~History of Inari~

Order News

2/27/05 - The History of Inari story series, The Legeands of Inari, have all been outlined. I'll be writing the story from Act I ASAP.
- The History of Inari has been updated: Four new character profiles and sketches have been added. All sketches for existing story previews have been created.

3/11/05 - The Legeands of Inari: Act I first chapter done!

3/18/05 - <poll:47476> LoI character poll!

3/25/05 - [Just Paula] has been awarded a Valorian Sage ranking for services to the Order

April 4, 2005- The Legeands of Inari: Act I has been completed!

4/25/05 - The Legeands of Inari: Act II Chapter 1 is finally posted!

4/27/05 - Chapter 2 (1st half) is posted!
-Also- We've finally reached 30 members!

5/1/05 - Chapter 2 finished!

-A freakin' long time passes-

9/11/05 - *Tribute to the people who lost their lives in the September 11th tragedy*

- New sketches containing stuff from future Legends of Inari work have been placed in Foxx Galary VII!

Username (or number or email):


2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: saphy have you seen my story? its not very good but i'm making one too ^^

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: thats better lol *cuddles saphy happily* ^^

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: maybe Oo it depends on the ammount of response i get for it on here. then ill publish maybe the first one and see how well it does.

2005-03-30 [CuteKitsune]: Put it on a wiki

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: i really need to start work on mine again..bene forever since i wrote anything x.x

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: *looks at saphy curiously* you want me to? *nuzzles her constantly*

2005-03-30 [CuteKitsune]: Sure go for it ^^ i need to put my stuff in my car brb

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: okies! i'll do it for you ^^

2005-03-30 [CuteKitsune]: Back and kara sent me the weirdest thing xX I put it on my house

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: lol wb saphy! *cuddles*

2005-03-30 [CuteKitsune]: Thanks *cuddles with* ^^

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: ^^ yw love *cuddles her more* ♥♥

2005-03-30 [CuteKitsune]: I have to go!!!!! Ill miss you all *hugs everyone, sheena longer and tighter then the others* flights weeeeee bye bye ^^ <333 <to sheena

2005-03-30 [Acidic Khemica]: *falls on floor*so...tired

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: dangit! Q_Q scanner wont work and I just colored a picture for talon

2005-03-30 [Acidic Khemica]: *looks at wes and yawns*sorry?

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: bye saphy! love you! *hugs her tightly back*

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: gah >< this computer wont detect the scanner so i have to take it to the other one and scan it in there, bbs

2005-03-30 [Acidic Khemica]: *yawns and shuts eyes laying on the floor*

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: *keeps hold of the rose saphy gave her* ^^

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: hi akira *thinks of what she can make for saphy*

2005-03-30 [Acidic Khemica]: hello sheena*she says on the floor*

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: you ok? *looks at akira then relaxes looking at the rose from her love saphy*

2005-03-30 [Acidic Khemica]: *nods*just very very very tired

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: *nods knowingly* just checking i hardly slept since i was away from saphy at home when i wanted to be here with my saphy

2005-03-30 [Acidic Khemica]: okay then....i just got attacked by children

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: lol thats pretty bad ^^

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: lol how and why? *keeps a gentle hold on her rose*

2005-03-30 [Acidic Khemica]: um well cause i guess i didnt want to play a game

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: <img:>

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: wb wes ^^

2005-03-30 [Insaniac Yoshie]: i am now officialy a member

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: hi ashes welcome ^^ *still holds the rose from her saphy as she leans agaisnt a tree*

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: *looks down the tree at sheena*

2005-03-30 [Insaniac Yoshie]: thankees sheena i was gonna do it like back in feb but my net got turned off

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: *looks up and sticks her tounge out before putting saphys rose back in her hair*

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: yw ashes ^^

2005-03-30 [Insaniac Yoshie]: i have a question wes

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: *drops a strawberry from the tree landing it down sheena's shirt, chuckling to himself as he puts up a shield around himself in case of retaliation*

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: why do people always feel the need to state they have a question? im always ready to listen.

2005-03-30 [Insaniac Yoshie]: is a certain kitsunes weakness its opposite class? (ex: fire vs. frost)? just wondering

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: *giggles softly and leaves it there knowing saphy can always get it out for her later*

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: not particularly, its just that their spells will cancel eachother out.

2005-03-30 [Insaniac Yoshie]: ok and how exactly do you get a higher ranking? in the rp?

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: *throws a talon plushie doll up to wes and laughs innocently*

2005-03-30 [Insaniac Yoshie]: *eyes the plushie doll and decieds she doesnt want to ask*

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: in the rp, by helping other members, by helping the order, etc. *cuddles the talon plushy close to his heart, a tear of longing falling onto its face*

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: *looks up at wes and smiles sweetly* thanks for the strawberry

2005-03-30 [Insaniac Yoshie]: theres one thing about kitsune i dont get. how do you tell how many tails they have? is it just some thing they have or does it do with age. i hear someone say one time it has to do with skill and that the more tails you have the more powerful you are

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: i always thought of it as its just how many you want *feels the strawberry get warm from where wes dropped it*

2005-03-30 [Insaniac Yoshie]: well on the classes and rank page i think it mentions that you get more tails as you get older

2005-03-30 [Acidic Khemica]: *sings*and i feel like i am nothing

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: as far as our RP is concerned its up to you, no more than 9, but mythologically it showed your age.

2005-03-30 [Acidic Khemica]: hmm

2005-03-30 [Insaniac Yoshie]: ah ok *tries really hard to think of something to do*

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: *does a small backflip and sits down again under the tree* not much to do but relaxe really i saw my saphy so i'm happy

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: *snuggles the plushie of talon close, wishing she'd come back*

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: you know wes seriously we're being like puppies ^^

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: *gets hungry and eats the now warm strawberry thinking of saphy*

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: *starts tossing more strawberries down her shirt since she seems to enjoy how they remind her of saphy

2005-03-30 [Insaniac Yoshie]: alrighty then *sits back and tries to relax but immediatly stands up with a yip, having sat some thing sharp* what was that?

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: *catches a few in her mouth and laughs as she looks up at him going red thinking of saphy*

2005-03-30 [Wes Foxx]: *sits up slowly, then jumps down branch to branch, stumbling slightly as he touches down on the ground. He pads slowly towards the energy pool, across one of the nine bridges to the center. Pressing sections of the tablet in a long, complex order, a spell rune and illusion give way to a hollow space in the back of the pillar. He climbs into the small room-sized space and lays down on a soft cusioned bench as the runes close behind him, laying back and staring at the ever-changing pattern of energy on the ceiling, longing for talon to come back*

2005-03-30 [Jewels Whitefire]: *closes her eyes letting a translucent crystal surround her as she stays under the tree thinking of what lies ahead for her when she gets to see her saphy again her light blue eyes closed but still can be felt the love she has for saphy seeming to come off her in warm gentle breezes*

2005-03-31 [Just Paula]: **tackles wes and pashes him*

2005-03-31 [Wes Foxx]: *meeps and falls out of the hidden space after talon apparently got in after him* lol

2005-04-01 [Nekko fox]: -Walks in, singing happily-.....Let's Go! Ashita mo Happy! Go! Go!! Fushigi Na Happy!

2005-04-01 [sanke]: *appears and sits down on a rock*

2005-04-01 [sanke]: hi

2005-04-01 [Nekko fox]: Hello! -Runs over and hugs them sureptitiously-

2005-04-01 [sanke]: *blinks and pulls herself away*

2005-04-01 [Wes Foxx]: -constantly hums a happy-sounding song-

2005-04-01 [Insaniac Yoshie]: *has now got 'lalala' stuck in her head thanks to wes*

2005-04-01 [Wes Foxx]: lol, ive got one or two other things that are more addicting in Wes's Favorites, try either Rainbow Connections or any of the Numa Numas

2005-04-01 [Insaniac Yoshie]: lol im loading the LOTK thing right now

2005-04-01 [Wes Foxx]: its pretty funny lol

2005-04-01 [Insaniac Yoshie]: it wont load im just getting a bunch of computer gibberish

2005-04-01 [Wes Foxx]: hrm... go to and look for it directly then

2005-04-01 [Insaniac Yoshie]: kk thankees

2005-04-01 [Jewels Whitefire]: *hops in as if on springs* wes! hi! any sign of my saphy?

2005-04-01 [Wes Foxx]: Not yet >< plus, its only friday, she said shed be back on sunday. Anyhow... Im gonna be having a training session for low ranked members to help increase their ranks, give myself a bit of practice, and since it will be me vs more than one of them, it should help me for writing the finale for the LoI act 1

2005-04-01 [Jewels Whitefire]: i'm in i need to seriously practice lol x.x.. i miss my saphy! ><! even worse i may not be here sunday v.v

2005-04-01 [Jewels Whitefire]: i got the weird feeling of using hearts as my rp sign x.x..

2005-04-01 [Just Paula]: *pokes wes*

2005-04-01 [Wes Foxx]: *pokes back* theres a new big rp thing thats gonna be going on for a while btw

2005-04-01 [Just Paula]: yeah i saw that *snuggles wes*

2005-04-01 [Wes Foxx]: *snuggles back happily*

2005-04-02 [Nekko fox]: -Yawns and ponders what is for dinner-

2005-04-02 [Just Paula]: *pouts* i miss wes

2005-04-02 [Wes Foxx]: *glomps talon* i miss you too. hopefully we'll be on at the same time again soon ^^

2005-04-02 [Wes Foxx]: Anyhow, just wanna take a moment to advertize some of our wiki pages here. The RP page has been updated, im taking on all comers in a team versus melee training match! the fursonas page is feeling sad and neglected, if your an artist you really should post your character in there! anyone wanting to donate badges can add it to our graphics page, and enough contribution to pages like that will get you promoted in the order as well. visit the archive pages, especially the kinetic labs, where you can suggest new element type combos!

2005-04-02 [Just Paula]: *pouts* i dun wanna wait i want you now\

2005-04-02 [Wes Foxx]: *smiles and kisses her on the nose* then take me now

2005-04-02 [Just Paula]: lol thats not what i meant and you know it*pushes him playfully*

2005-04-02 [Wes Foxx]: *pounces and nuzzles* i know, im just playing with you ^^

2005-04-02 [Just Paula]: *nuzzles back and licks on the nose*

2005-04-02 [Just Paula]: guess what ashy poo made fer me!!

2005-04-02 [Wes Foxx]: what? *nuzzles happily*

2005-04-02 [Just Paula]: a tooth brush bracelet!!

2005-04-02 [Wes Foxx]: Oo weird but actually not that bad an idea *muses*

2005-04-02 [Just Paula]: you take one of the cheap ones and boil it then bend it in the shape of a bracelet

2005-04-02 [Just Paula]: i thought the first one hannah made was so cool i bought a toothbrush that i only needed fer like two days then i had her make me a bracelet

2005-04-02 [Wes Foxx]: lol ^^

2005-04-02 [Just Paula]: (hannah is ash just we call her by her middle name sometimes)

2005-04-02 [Wes Foxx]: righto Oo

2005-04-02 [Jewels Whitefire]: tyg its saturday ONE MORE DAY! then i get t see my saphy again! ^^! oh and hi guys

2005-04-02 [Just Paula]: hi sheena

2005-04-02 [Jewels Whitefire]: hi talon ^^ *still wants her saphy v.v*

2005-04-02 [Just Paula]: *looks innocently at wes holding somethingbehind her back*

2005-04-02 [Jewels Whitefire]: *curls up under a tree holding the rose saphy gave her still keeping it close to her heart* danm i miss her.. v.v

2005-04-02 [Wes Foxx]: Oo *tries to see what it is*

2005-04-02 [Just Paula]: *still looking innocently at wes,almost too much so, she giggles and backs away*

2005-04-02 [Wes Foxx]: *pads after her, flame-teleporting about trying to sneek a peak*

2005-04-02 [Just Paula]: *is eventually cornered and pulls a pair of handcuffs from behind her back no longer looking so innocent but grinning widely*

2005-04-02 [Wes Foxx]: *grins*

2005-04-02 [Just Paula]: *walks slowly up to him and kisses him tenderly placing the handcuffs in his hand*

2005-04-02 [Wes Foxx]: Lol, better take this to private messages before things get too outta hand xx

2005-04-02 [Acidic Khemica]: uh yes please

2005-04-02 [Wes Foxx]: rofl! XD

2005-04-02 [Acidic Khemica]: o.0

2005-04-02 [Jewels Whitefire]: lol hi akira >.> *coughs* sis! *tackles*

2005-04-02 [Acidic Khemica]: *looks around then gets tackled*ack! oh heh hi sheena ^^'

2005-04-02 [Jewels Whitefire]: hi akira ^^ *helps her up*

2005-04-02 [Acidic Khemica]: *stands up*alittle hyper today are we?

2005-04-02 [Jewels Whitefire]: well yeah lol ^^

2005-04-02 [Acidic Khemica]: heh ^^'

2005-04-02 [Jewels Whitefire]: akira my sis? ^^ *dips her paw in chocolate and sucks on her paw*

2005-04-02 [Acidic Khemica]: *nods*

2005-04-02 [Jewels Whitefire]: yay! *suckles on her paw more cutely with big blue eyes looking at her new sister*

2005-04-02 [Acidic Khemica]: *yawns and lays down*

2005-04-02 [Just Paula]: well guys talon hasta go...

2005-04-02 [Acidic Khemica]: bye Talon

2005-04-02 [Just Paula]: bye akira.... and sheena if your here still

2005-04-02 [Acidic Khemica]: *yawns again*god why am i so tired....

2005-04-02 [Jewels Whitefire]: saphy! saphy saphy!

2005-04-02 [Wes Foxx]: lol, beware of flying strawberries Oo

2005-04-02 [Jewels Whitefire]: SAPHY! ^^!

2005-04-02 [CuteKitsune]: SHEENA!!!!!!! *Hugtackles!!!!!!* HI!! I missed you! ^^

2005-04-02 [Acidic Khemica]: 0.o

2005-04-02 [Wes Foxx]: awww so kawaii ^^

2005-04-02 [Jewels Whitefire]: *huggles saphy tightly!* saphy! ^^!

2005-04-02 [CuteKitsune]: *waves to wes while snuggling into sheena's arms* Im home Im home Im home!! *is home and happy* Sheena I love you lots lots lots!! ^^

2005-04-02 [Jewels Whitefire]: ^^! likewise saphy! *cuddles her and kisses her deeply and long* i got my saphy! ^^!

2005-04-02 [CuteKitsune]: oO Sheena *big sad puppy eyes* Strawberry? lol ^^

2005-04-02 [Jewels Whitefire]: lol! anything for my saphy ♥kisses her again and dips a strawberry into the warm chocolate she was toying with earlier and holds it for her saphy♥ 

2005-04-02 [CuteKitsune]: Oo Weeee! ^^ Strawberries yay *takes sheena into the backroom* >> 

2005-04-02 [Jewels Whitefire]: ♥giggles and follows her saphy happily♥

2005-04-02 [Wes Foxx]: lol

2005-04-03 [Just Paula]: *pouts* i want wes

2005-04-03 [Wes Foxx]: *nuzzles her*

2005-04-03 [Just Paula]: *nuzzles back gently but happily*

2005-04-03 [Wes Foxx]: *murrs happily as he holds her close to his heart*

2005-04-03 [Just Paula]: *purrs happily*

2005-04-03 [Wes Foxx]: *smiles widely and follows saphy and sheena hand in hand with talon to one of the other backrooms of the order*

2005-04-03 [Tiger Shark]: *looks around the now empty room* hmm

2005-04-03 [bullet with your name]: hey anyone here?

2005-04-03 [Just Paula]: mayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyybe

2005-04-03 [Just Paula]: *giggles happily*

2005-04-03 [Wes Foxx]: lol *smiles*

2005-04-03 [bullet with your name]: ok i'm trying to find someone on here but i forget how thier name is spelt can you help me???

2005-04-03 [Just Paula]: who ya trying to find*

2005-04-03 [bullet with your name]: tkaa i think thats how it's spelt but it says it's not do you know who i'm talkin about?

2005-04-03 [Acidic Khemica]: o.0

2005-04-03 [Wes Foxx]: check the member page

2005-04-03 [bullet with your name]: okies

2005-04-04 [Insaniac Yoshie]: hey wes is there any thing in particular that youd want on a badge besides the name or is it basically a free for all

2005-04-04 [Wes Foxx]: pretty much yep

2005-04-04 [Tiger Shark]: myep

2005-04-04 [Insaniac Yoshie]: thats cool in makeing the order a banner then ill have up in the next 2 weeks (i hope) when i load the rest of my drawings and stuff to et

2005-04-04 [Wes Foxx]: sweet.

2005-04-04 [Just Paula]: ....

2005-04-04 [Insaniac Yoshie]: ill even make a translation sheet for the symbolts im putting on it

2005-04-04 [Wes Foxx]: awesome

2005-04-04 [Insaniac Yoshie]: so... whats new here? *makes herself comfy*

2005-04-04 [Wes Foxx]: *smiles* me and talon are really close now, and ill be writing the final chapter of The Legeands of Inari: Act I tonight ^^

2005-04-04 [Insaniac Yoshie]: well i wish the best for the both of you and i havent found the time to read the histories yet! you ever planning to go big with your inari stuff?

2005-04-04 [Wes Foxx]: depends how well they do on here. then it depends on how each book does. I wont be ready to be published until after i write Act II: Sword of Memories

2005-04-04 [Nekko fox]: <img:>

2005-04-04 [Insaniac Yoshie]: haha thats funny

2005-04-04 [Nekko fox]: I loved it! ^^

2005-04-04 [Insaniac Yoshie]: but i woulda done it differently i woulda sold the old gameboy and bought more games for the new gameboy with the money

2005-04-04 [Wes Foxx]:


2005-04-04 [Insaniac Yoshie]: oh god! *wipes tears from eyes* iv gotta find more time so i can check these sorta things!

2005-04-04 [Wes Foxx]:


2005-04-04 [Insaniac Yoshie]: rofl

2005-04-04 [Nekko fox]: These are funny! ^^

2005-04-04 [Wes Foxx]: I know. the same story page that was inspiration for the order was also the page that guided me to finding it.

2005-04-04 [Insaniac Yoshie]: im probably going to kill my comp bc iv already got about 6 pages open but im checking it out while the links right in front of my face

2005-04-04 [Nekko fox]: It says it can't be displayed...meh...

2005-04-04 [Wes Foxx]: I could always make it into a wiki page i suppose

2005-04-04 [Insaniac Yoshie]: that would be cool

2005-04-04 [Wes Foxx]: Mythic's Story

2005-04-04 [Nekko fox]: Who wants to help me write a story about link?!

2005-04-04 [Insaniac Yoshie]: i would/will! but right now i gotta take iver the tv for adult swim on ctn

2005-04-04 [Wes Foxx]: ive got more than enough writing stuff to keep me busy for a long long time

2005-04-04 [Nekko fox]: Okay. I'll do it alone! ^^ This is gonna be fun. I'll put up a wiki page with the storie when I finish.

2005-04-04 [Jewels Whitefire]: lol! wes you should put my fav sabrina one up lol ^^

2005-04-04 [Jewels Whitefire]: *runs in cricles chasing a strawberry attached to her tail* >.>

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